- Rogers Park Elementary
- Habits of Mind
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Habits of Mind
What are Habits of Mind? Habits of Mind are tools that successful people use when faced with challenges. Habits of Mind provide a framework for making decisions and offer a reflection of who we are and what we value. Part of growing as a learner is developing the ability to use these habits of mind.
These Habits of Mind will be taught and practiced during your child’s time at Rogers Park. Students will self-evaluate their understanding and skill in employing them on a regular basis and their use will be integrated into the content we are already exploring within the Rogers Park HG curriculum. They are integral to the goals and outcomes of the HG program.
The critical attribute of intelligent humans is to not only have information, but also know how to act upon it. Arthur L. Costa and Bena Kallick describe sixteen Habits of Mind that help people develop thinking skills and tools to react appropriately in different situations. These habits are:
- Persisting
- Thinking interdependently
- Managing impulsivity
- Gathering data through all senses
- Listening with understanding and empathy
- Applying past knowledge to new situations
- Thinking flexibly
- Responding with wonderment and awe
- Thinking about thinking (meta-cognition)
- Thinking and communicating with clarity and precision
- Striving for accuracy
- Finding humor
- Questioning and posing problems
- Taking responsible risks
- Creating, imagining, innovating
- Remaining open to continuous learning
The HG program has adopted the instruction and use of these sixteen Habits of Mind with its students. When these habits are used, the results produced are more powerful and of higher quality than if these intellectual resources are not drawn upon. These provide a common vocabulary and an emphasis on habits that use the full spectrum of intellectual capabilities.