
  • Science 6

    Middle School science instruction takes an integrated approach, exploring a variety of scientific areas. This approach better ensures "science for all learners," and is more developmentally appropriate. The focus of the sixth-grade science class is "scale and structure". Through inquiry-based science, students discover ecosystems, structures, and astronomy using process skills such as observation, building models, interpreting evidence and experimenting, collecting and analyzing data, and drawing conclusions. The Gifted SCIENCE 6 Program covers similar content to Science 6, allowing students to broaden their learning with more in-depth studies and projects. Analysis of scientific data and higher-order thinking skills are emphasized. 


    Science 7

    This is an integrated thematic program that teaches science as an interdisciplinary study of nature in which common principles operate in relationship to one another. Students explore areas of life science, earth science, chemistry, physics, and technology. Emphasis is placed on scientific thought and reasoning as well as laboratory experiences. 


    Science 8 

    This is an integrated thematic program that teaches science the way it is - a study of nature in which common principles operate in relationship to one another. Our program seamlessly interweaves major scientific disciplines such as life science, earth science, chemistry, physics, and space science into a thematic framework. The program encourages technological and computer literacy as well as keeping abreast of scientific innovations. Students are required to plan, research, and create a major term paper that sharpens and reinforces their intellectual skills. Students are encouraged to participate in the Science Olympiad, Alaska Science Fair, and other mentally stimulating competitions. Hands/minds-on activities are provided throughout the year.