Behavior Rules

  • You are responsible for knowing and following all rules and expectations outlined in the Middle School Student Handbook District Guidelines. In addition, this section outlines Clark Middle School specific rules for our campus and further clarifies district rules. It may be best for you to first read the Behavior Rules in the Middle School Student Handbook District Guidelines Sections II and III, then read this section. Not knowing the rules cannot be used as an excuse. Students who are inappropriate or do not follow the rules will receive sanctions according to district policy.


    Understand that school rules apply any time your actions affect the school. Certainly, this is true at school and on the bus; however, jurisdiction may also apply away from school (see also the Middle School Student Handbook District Guidelines Section III Jurisdiction). Similarly, if students do anything that is unlawful they may also be subject to school discipline. This is to help keep students safe. All you really need to remember is:

    • Respect all others and yourself
    • Treat others as you would like to be treated
    • Be appropriate and responsible for your actions
    • We are here to learn - be in class on time with the materials that you need


    Building Hours

    Front doors are opened at 8:30 AM. Students are not to be in the hallways or at lockers until 9 a.m. If you arrive early, remain in the Multi-Purpose Room until 9 a.m. Students must exit the building by 4:15 PM. unless involved in a supervised activity. Any student in the building after 4:15 PM. will be required to have written permission from the administration or teacher unless participating in a supervised activity.


    Backpacks, Book bags, Jackets, Hats/Headwear *

    For safety reasons, these items are to be placed in your locker as soon as you enter the building and remain there until you leave the building. Headwear includes hoods, headbands, headphones and ear buds. Students may not carry backpacks, bags, purses, fanny packs, etc. during the day without written permission from Administration. Jackets, coats, hats/headwear, headphones and earbuds may not be worn during the day. *Individuals may request exceptions to policies related to the wearing of headwear for religious reasons.


    Balloons, Flowers & other deliveries

    Balloons are not allowed in the building at any time as they can subject students/ staff to serious health risk as well as the potential of setting off the fire alarm. Please avoid delivery of flowers and similar items.



    For safety reasons, students will be assigned seating on buses to and from school.


    Computer Use

    Computer use is a privilege, particularly given the limited resources that are available. Students must follow all Î÷Ê©Ö±²¥APP School District and Clark Middle School policies or lose computer privileges. Regardless of the device used, use must be ethical, legal, and only for teacher approved school projects. This is particularly true of using the Internet. Students must have on file and follow the Internet User Agreement prior to using any computer. Students are responsible for what is in their files and their passwords, just like a hall locker. Students may only be in areas they appropriately have access to – NOT other files, folders, or servers. Failure to follow set procedures as prescribed by the Î÷Ê©Ö±²¥APP School District is a serious offense and will result in appropriate consequences. Take care of this unique privilege!



    Clark Middle School prepares students to be college and work force ready. School is a place where every student goes to “work” each school day. Every workplace has specific dress requirements. These dress requirements are similar to the expectations required for most workplace. Even though it is not fair, what you wear often determines what people think about you. Dress at school must be appropriate; it cannot be disruptive to learning, unsafe, or gang-related. Dress that has writing or images related to alcohol, weapons, violence, tobacco, drugs, sex or gangs, or containing any obscenity, harassing or demeaning words is inappropriate. Chains may not be worn, and all jewelry must easily break away for the safety of the wearer. Footwear suitable for the outdoors must be worn at all times. Safety of students are crucial in determining the proper wear of all shoes. This means no flip-flops, bathroom shoes, Adidas or sandals that are not appropriate for the weather, bedroom slippers, slides or oversized shoes. Hats, hoods, headbands, bandannas, sunglasses, nonprescription (over-the-counter) contacts and earbuds must be removed upon entering the building. Headphones or earbuds are not to be worn during the day including lunch and passing time. Coats, jackets, backpacks, bags, fanny packs, purses, or similar items are to be placed in lockers upon entering the school and remain in the locker during the day. Clothing that is too revealing is inappropriate for school or work. Examples of inappropriate clothing includes garments which: allow undergarments to be seen (too small or tight, see-through or sagging), exposed mid-riffs, or low-cut tops or sides, strapless or have top straps less than one inch wide, shorts or skirts that are too short (shorter than four inches above the kneecap). Solid leggings (not transparent leggings or hosiery) or long pants, must be worn with skirts or shorts less than 4 inches above the knee cap. Clothing that is unsafe or may hide unsafe items is inappropriate. This includes clothing that is too large, baggy, or bulky. Examples include oversize jeans, oversize shirts, jackets, quilted vests, oversize windbreakers, etc., or backpacks, bags or purses. Pants that are too big to stay up above the hipbones without a belt are too baggy for school and overalls need to have straps hooked correctly. Students may wear a fitted sweatshirt or fitted sweater to help stay warm during colder weather. It is a good idea to keep one in your locker. Pajamas and pajama bottoms are not allowed. If a staff member indicates a student is dressed inappropriately, the student will need to change clothes. This will be accomplished by having parents bring appropriate clothes to school or exchanging for clothes provided by the school. The student will be asked to sign a Dress Code Contract. Continued offenses may result in discipline sanctions.



    Students will receive fines for missing locker locks, textbooks, library books and extracurricular sports gear and/or uniforms. Fines are due and payable at the time of report card distribution.



    Food/beverage in hallways & classrooms are not allowed. Food is to be consumed in the MPR only. Students drinking or eating in the hallways will be asked to dispose of the food or drink immediately and may be subject to disciplinary action. The only exception to this will be water in clear water bottles. Gum is not allowed at Clark at any time.  Door Dash or the like is not allowed on school grounds.  If parents/guardians wish to bring food or drop off items for their child during the school day, they can drop items off at the front attendance desk.  Anything that causes a disruption to the classroom and learning environments may be held at the front desk until the end of the day or requires prior administrative approval.

    Selling items at school is prohibited. Even fundraising for Clark groups requires special administrative approval.



    Teachers will be visible in doorways, pods and hallways, greeting students and supporting a safe and positive school environment. Students are expected to go directly to class, using their passing to move safely from one class to another. For safety reasons, avoid congregating in large groups and/or blocking the halls or doorways. If you want to visit your friends in the morning, you may meet them in the MPR during breakfast. “Cruising”, walking with a large group of people, or walking on a grade level floor where you have no classes can be seen as aggressive and/or intimidating and is not permitted. Students should not walk shoulder to shoulder in a manner that blocks the passing of others. Walking with linked arms is not allowed.


    Hall Passes

    Students must have a pass signed by a teacher to be in the halls during class time. Student must remain in the multipurpose room (MPR) during lunch and may not leave without a pass from the teacher and signing out with security.



    You need an appropriate teacher-signed pass whenever you are out of class or requesting to leave the lunchroom for any reason, except for an emergency. Being in the hall without a pass may result in receiving a disciplinary consequence. Ask your teacher for a pass before you leave class. Insist on having a pass to avoid disciplinary action.


    Physical Education

    Non-mark gym shoes that are fully tied are required at all times in gym class. Gum is never allowed. These are safety issues. See attendance regarding excuses.


    School Property

    Students are expected to treat facilities, equipment, and materials provided responsibility. Deliberate or accidental damage caused by a student may result in a fine for restitution and, if warranted, disciplinary action for vandalism.


    Substitute Teachers

    Substitute teachers are an extension of the Clark staff and as such are to be treated with respect at all times. Students who are disrespectful and/or disruptive with a substitute teacher are subject to disciplinary action.


    Throwing Objects

    Throwing objects at any time for any reason, particularly in classrooms, over the balcony or in the cafeteria, may result in suspension. This includes any time you are under school district jurisdiction, including the bus stop. Visitors/Trespassing All visitors must report to the office when entering Clark. Students from other schools may not visit during the school day. Similarly, you may not visit other schools or your old school or be on another school’s property. Students failing to do so will be subject to District trespass policies. (See also Middle School Student Handbook Section III, Visitors and Trespass)