Application and Admission to Program

  • How are students accepted into AMCS? Lottery? First, registered? Grades?

    Currently, the program does not use a lottery system.  The program has approximately 500 seats (total), so we are screening student’s applications for college readiness and program prerequisites:

    1. Junior or Senior
    2. Academic Preparedness
      • HS GPA of 2.5 or higher
      • On track to graduate with class (not behind on credits)
    3. Placement scores in either or both
      • Writing: Accuplacer ≥ 530 or writing sample recommendation of WRTG A111 or WRTG A111/ALP
      • Math: ALEKS ≥ 30
    4. Readiness for the college environment and independence
      • Maintaining a strong attendance record and
      • Demonstrates maturity, responsibility, and independence.


    If I have already taken an ALEKS placement test at my high school, can I use this for the application?

    No, both placement tests must be completed with your UAA ID number.


     How many times can I complete the writing placement?

    Once in a semester.


    If you graduate high school early, can you still be enrolled in AMCS?

         No.  Students should delay graduation and join AMCS, which allows students to benefit from this program.  See your counselor for more information.


    If I started the application process last year, and we got a UAA ID, could we still use it, or do we need to start over?

         Yes, you can use your UAA ID, but you must complete the AMCS application and possibly the placement tests again.


    Do I need to take the SAT before applying?  Can I use SAT/ACT scores instead of taking Accuplacer?

    No, you do not need to take the SAT before applying.  However, SAT scores, if appropriate scores, can place the student into a course.  The student would not need to take the Accuplacer or a writing sample.  Students are encouraged to speak with their UAA advisor to determine if the SAT score is appropriate for college-level placement.


    If you do not achieve the scores needed for the Accuplacer/Writing Sample or the ALEKS tests, will you NOT be accepted into AMCS?

    The AMCS program requires the student to be placed into either college WRTG or MATH.  Unfortunately, not playing in either of these courses will disqualify the student from participating in the program for that semester.  However, if the student is placed into one of the college courses, they qualify for the program. The student would take the college course while taking an AMCS course for the other area that needs improvement. The student will retake the placement test at the end of the semester.


    Can you test out of any college course?

    Yes, there are opportunities under .  ASD does not cover the cost of these exams.


    If I attend a private school, do I need to apply to an ASD school before applying for AMCS?

    No, a student may complete the AMCS application process but must enroll in ASD-AMCS before the semester he/she is entering the program.