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    Stay up to date on our current events through our new

    Play to Learn Playgroups

    ASD Preschool is sponsoring Play to Learn Playgroups for preschool aged children, not yet in kindergarten, and their families. Playgroups are hosted by an early childhood educator and family coordinator. There is no cost associated with any of our playgroups or events.

    Upcoming Pop-Up Play to Learn Playgroups:


    King Tech Tuesdays with Play to Learn

    *Drop In and Join Us, No Registration Required for Pop-Up*

    Who is it for? 

    This Pop-Up Playgroup is for families with children ages 8 years old and younger!


    What is it?

    This is a collaboration between Î÷Ê©Ö±²¥APP School District's Play to Learn and King Tech's Early Childhood Education programs. Join your child for a play session where they get to engage with high school students aspiring to be educators.


    A Play to Learn educator will be at each session to share tips and tricks for home: creating routines and rituals, managing transitions, and navigating challenging behaviors with some of our fun make and take activities. 


    When is it?

    Pop-Up Playgroups will be on Tuesdays 

    4:00-5:30 PM at King Tech High School (in the preschool classroom)


    Dates of the program: 


    Quarter 3: 1/14, 1/21, 1/28, 2/4, 2/11, 2/18, 2/25, and 3/4


    Pop-Up Playgroup with Play Palace

    Who is it for? 

    This free Pop-Up Playgroup is for families with children ages 8 years old and younger!

    Due to capacity limits in indoor play space, limited to 1 adult per every 3 kids

    When is it?

    Saturday, 3/1 from 10-11:30 AM at Play Palace (in the Midtown Mall)

    600 E Northern Lights Blvd 


    Upcoming Play to Learn Playgroups:


    Kindergarten Readiness Playgroup (ages 4/5)

    Who is it for? 

    This program is for families with preschool-aged children (ages 4/5) who are not currently attending an ASD preK program.


    Children enrolled in this playgroup must be 4 years old when their cohort begins.


    What is it?

    A caregiver accompanies their child to a preschool classroom equipped with an early-childhood educator and a family coordinator. The caregiver enjoys a chance to connect with other adults while learning about child development. During this time, the children are learning and playing together with their teacher. Siblings are welcome!


    When is it?

    Playgroups will be two days a week

    8:45 am-10:15 am at Denali Montessori Elementary School.

    Dates of the program: 

    Quarter 3 Dates

    Tuesday and Thursday Cohort (1/7, 1/9, 1/14, 1/16, 1/21, 1/23, 1/28, 1/30, 2/4, 2/6, 2/11, 2/13, 2/18, 2/20)


    To fill out a request for a 2024-25 playgroup spot, Click 


    Young Wednesdays (ages 3-4)

    Who is it for? 

    This program is for families with young children who are ages 3-4 years old and not currently attending an ASD preK program.


    Children enrolled in the Young Wednesday playgroup must be 3 years old when the cohort begins.


    What is it?

    A caregiver accompanies their child to a preschool classroom equipped with an early-childhood educator teacher and family coordinator. The caregiver enjoys a chance to connect with other adults while learning about child development. During this time, children are learning and playing with their teacher. Siblings are welcome!


    When is it?

    Young Wednesday Playgroups will be held on Wednesdays from 

    8:45 am-10:15 am at Denali Montessori Elementary School.

    Dates of the program: 

    1/8, 1/15, 1/22, 1/29, 2/5, 2/12, 2/19


    To fill out a request for a Young Wednesday playgroup spot, Click 



    If you would like to host Pop-Up Playgroups at your location, let us bring the program to you! This can be a single event or regularly occurring playgroups depending on the needs of your group or program. If you are interested in hosting Pop-Up Playgroups at your location, email a Countdown to Kindergarten Coordinator: Ariel Mangelsdorf at mangelsdorf_ariel@asdk12.org



    What Are Play to Learn Playgroups?



    Partner with families to support their child's successful transition to school by exposing children to resources and inclusive practices. We are committed to creating a community of connection between the home and the school family.


    Play to Learn Playgroups (P2L)

    Play to Learn Playgroups bring together children (preschool aged, not yet in kindergarten), their caregivers, an early childhood teacher, and a community resource specialist. Caregivers are required to stay with their child at all times while participating in the P2L Playgroup program. Siblings are welcome to join! These weekly playgroups build a community for family support and work on positive classroom behaviors. Caregivers have a chance to connect with other adults who have children the same age while also learning about local resources, information, and ideas for age-appropriate activities to practice at home with the resource specialist. This is a program sponsored by the Î÷Ê©Ö±²¥APP School District.


    What are the benefits of joining a P2L Playgroup?

    • Provides age-appropriate activities for children and caregivers
    • Nurtures social family connections and friendships
    • Connects families to community resources


    How can my family participate?

    • Each cohort is a commitment where families are expected to attend an hour and a half, twice a week, for their cohort's dates.
    • Request a Playgroup spot by clicking the link above. If weekdays do not work for your family, check out our Countdown to Kindergarten event schedule which is held exclusively on weekends: /countdowntokindy


    What happens each week?

    • Educational free play
    • Circle time
    • Time to share information about resources and activities while connecting with other families 
    • Gross motor and sensory play


    If you have any questions regarding Play to Learn Playgroups, email a P2L Lead Educator:

    Ariel Mangelsdorf mangelsdorf_ariel@asdk12.org