• AEA Salary Advancement 

    Teaching and Learning/ Professional Learning follows the language found in Section 115 of the AEA Negotiated Agreement when reviewing courses eligible for salary movement. 



    • The Teaching and Learning/ Professional Learning team is responsible for reviewing all submitted courses for pre-approval. Courses should be submitted before taking them to ensure they are identified as eligible salary advancement courses. This is to ensure staff do not pay for courses that are not eligible (ASD is not responsible for reimbursement of any denied courses).
      • Course approval can take up to 10 business days in Frontline. 
      • For questions regarding course approval or Frontline (previously MLP) support, please email MLPHELP@asdk12.org.


    • Once the T&L/PL team has approved a course, it will be reflected in the staff's transcript and reviewed by Talent Management (TM) when the staff member submits the required forms and transcripts to the TM team. Please do not send transcripts to Teaching and Learning or Professional Learning unless requested. 
      • For questions about steps or credits toward salary advancement, please email: TalentManagement@asdk12.org


    For access to the salary advancement application or specific salary advancement questions, please visit the . 

  • Teacher Institute Seminar Series (TISS)

    Teachers who fully participate in 15 hours of Teacher Institute Seminar Series (TISS) sessions are eligible to request one Advanced Academy CEU (AdvA CEU).  Teachers can earn two Adva CEU per year.  Within guidelines/negotiated agreement, AdvA CEUs may be accepted by ASD for salary advancement and by DEED for recertification.  AdvA CEU Request forms must be turned in no later than June 15 to be considered this year.


    No partial hours will be issued (i.e., < 15 hours), and the TISS hours accumulated during the school year will not carry over to another school year for an AdvA CEU. TISS hours from before the current academic year will not be processed. 


    To convert TISS courses into a CEU or see the TISS FAQ page, please visit the .