Substitute for the Î÷Ê©Ö±²¥APP School District

  • School-based substitutes play a vital role in the Î÷Ê©Ö±²¥APP School District by ensuring that learning and services continue seamlessly. They provide stability, support, and adaptability, helping students stay engaged and on track with their education. Their dedication and flexibility contribute to the overall success of schools, making them an essential part of the educational community.




    After you apply our team will review your application and email you next steps and links for your hiring documents.


    Pay Schedule for Substitutes

    Type of Position Rate of Pay
    Substitute Teacher regular daily rate

    $175 per day; $87.50 per half day

    Substitute Teacher regular daily rate with current AK educator certificate and/or retired ASD teacher

    $225 per day; $112.50 per half day

    Long-term Substitute Teacher*

    $285 per day; $142.50 per half day

    Substitute School Nurse

    $250 per day; $125 per half day  

    Substitute Teacher at Title I** School

    Add $25 per day or $12.50 per half day to daily rate

    Substitute Paraprofessional Educator

    $20.13 per hour

    Substitute Clerical

    $21.43 per hour

    Substitute Safety Security

    $20.00 per hour

    Substitute Student Nutrition Cafe Assistant

    $15.50 per hour


    * Long-term substitute teacher assignments are initiated by the principal as needed. They are used to fill a vacant position or when an employee is out on long-term leave. These assignments have responsibilities for lesson planning, grading, parent communications, and the many other duties of a full-time teacher. They teach assigned courses at the secondary level or fill in as the classroom teacher at the elementary level. The long-term substitute is the teacher for the period of the long-term assignment. To recognize the scope of their professional responsibility and commitment to a long-term assignment, compensation is at a rate of $285 per workday. A long-term substitute must possess a current Alaska teacher certificate prior to the start of the assignment.


    ** A list of current Title I schools is available here.

About Our Substitute Positions

  • Certificated substitutes are substituting for positions that require a State of Alaska educator's certificate. These positions include substitute teacher and substitute school nurse.


    Substitute Teacher Requirements

    • A minimum of a bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university.
    • Positive references for work experience.
    • A successful background check.
    • Long-term substitute teacher assignments require a current Alaska teaching certificate prior to the start of the long-term assignment.
      • See definition of long-term assignment above.


    Substitute School Nurse Requirements

    • An associates degree in nursing from an accredited college or university.
    • A valid Alaska registered nurse license.
    • Long-term substitute nurse assignments require a current Alaska type C special services certificate with nursing endorsement prior to the start of the long-term assignment.
      • See definition of long-term assignment above.
    • Must be able to work a minimum of 5 days per quarter.
    • Pass a screening interview with the Healthcare Services Department


    Classified substitute positions are substituting for staff positions that do not require educator certification. They include:
    • Paraprofessional educators
    • Clerical staff
    • Safety and security staff
    • Student Nutrition cafe assistants
    Classified Substitute Requirements
    • A high school diploma or equivalent.
    • A successful background check.