Your bus stop details will be communicated via ParentConnect.
How long does it take to train a bus driver?
It takes about 3-5 weeks to complete the training and that is why there is a little lag in progress.
A Commercial Driver's License (CDL) is not quite enough to be authorized to drive our students safely. It’s a plus, but it still requires training. There are federal requirements that must be satisfied as well.
The most urgent thing we can do is hire more bus drivers and bus attendants. With more, we will begin to restore our levels of bus service.
Is it required by law to provide bus services?
Alaska Statute Sec. 14.09.010. Transportation of students.
(a) A school district that provides student transportation services for the transportation of students who reside a distance from established schools is eligible to receive funding for operating or subcontracting the operation of the transportation system for students to and from the schools within the student's transportation service area. Subject to appropriation, the amount of funding provided by the state for operating the student transportation system is the amount of a school district's ADM, less the ADM for the district's correspondence programs during the current fiscal year, multiplied by the per student amount for the school district.