Î÷Ê©Ö±²¥APP School District


Legislative Update

  • study

    Alaska’s Education Investment for ASD:
    Building a Pathway to Success


    The pathway to achieving the Î÷Ê©Ö±²¥APP Î÷Ê©Ö±²¥APP’s goals requires close collaboration and partnership with the Alaska State Legislature. Our Legislative Priorities are the foundation for this partnership and collaboration. 

  • Our three B’s:

    Base Student Allocation

    • Reverse years of flat education funding by changing the statutory formula to inflation proof the BSA.
    • Update the funding formula by directing a state-funded Institute of Social and Economic Research (ISER) study of the District Cost Factor. 
    • Prioritize the recruitment and retention of high-quality educators by providing competitive retirement and health benefits in a pension plan that will address the statewide teacher and paraprofessional shortages.
    • Support post-secondary opportunities in order to build an Alaska-based educator pipeline. 
    • Support student wellness and safety with a focus on the whole child, including services for mental and behavioral health, trauma informed practices, Social Emotional Learning (SEL), and restorative justice practices.


    • Increase student transportation funding, and adjust for inflation, to a level that will not require districts to reduce classroom funding to pay for transportation. 

    Bond Debt Reimbursement

    • Eliminate the current moratorium on State Bond Debt Reimbursement (SBDR) for voter-approved propositions. This will restore community support that is needed to reverse years of escalating deferred maintenance.


    Download the Brochure

  • The Î÷Ê©Ö±²¥APP Î÷Ê©Ö±²¥APP’s priorities are directly informed by the District Goals and Guardrails:


    Board Goals


    Open Book Reading Proficiency Beginning September 2020, the percentage of third-grade students proficient in reading on the state summative test (currently PEAKS) will increase from 40% to 80% by May 2026.


    Maths Math Proficiency Beginning September 2020, the percentage of students in grades 3–9 proficient in mathematics on the state summative assessment (currently PEAKS) will increase from 40% to 55% by May 2026.


    Go Beginning with the Freshman Class in September 2020, the percentage of high school students Life Ready and College and/or Career Ready will increase to 90% in Spring 2026.



    Board Guardrails

    Guardrails are based on the community’s values and represent actions which the Superintendent may not allow in pursuit of the District’s student outcome goals.

    • Superintendent will not leave student groups underrepresented in lottery/ application-based programs.

    • Superintendent will not operate without a plan to develop a diverse or culturally responsive workforce.

    • Superintendent will not allow unsatisfactory employee performance to go unidentified or unaddressed.

    • Superintendent will not operate elementary schools without mental health services.


  • ASD Fast Facts

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Your viewpoint matters:

  • The public elected officials need to hear from you on school funding and what you value in public education:

    Actions you can choose to take include:

    • Share a
    • Contact your  area’s elected representatives:  


    If you believe there are cost-saving measures which ASD has not addressed, email the school board at schoolboard@asdk12.org.