Waldorf Resources

  • The key to your child’s success at Winterberry is your commitment to learning all you can about the philosophy and methodology of Waldorf Education. Throughout the year you are expected to attend all parent nights given by your child’s teacher. Each teacher offers at least three parent nights each year. Parent nights provide ongoing opportunities for class families to come together and learn more about Waldorf as it applies to the education of their child(ren). During this time you will engage in classroom activities, learn about the developmental stage of your child(ren), participate in discussions guided by your class teacher, and create a vibrant class community strong enough to make the eight year journey together.

    Additionally, our school community offers many whole school lectures, workshops, and practical classes throughout the year. These events are typically open to both our community and the general public and require, or request, a participation fee. In general, childcare is usually available for a fee as well and is offered by Winterberry’s Grade 7 and 8 students as a fundraiser for their upcoming 8th grade trips. Some of the past events include a whole-community NVC workshop and retreat, lectures on media, conversations about parenting using Appreciative Inquiry (AI), individual and family biography, the art of storytelling, and a series focusing on the art of wet-on-wet water color as applied throughout the grades in a Waldorf school.

    Our hope is that you will always feel the freedom to ask questions and express your concerns with your classroom teacher as well as other staff members. We value education of the family as much as we value education of the individual child. Below you will find several websites where more information on Waldorf methods can be found. If you happen to come across a site that is not listed below, but seems to be valuable, please take the time to pass the site on to our office staff.



