Daily Schedule

  • Student Arrival

    Walkers and Car Riders:

    • Orion families will drop students off at the entrance on Bullard Avenue at 7:45 am when staff is on campus..

                                           *Students should not be on campus before 7:45 am*

    • Vehicles pull up and drop off along the sidewalk at or near the crosswalk.

    • Families may park along the street or in playground parking across the street. Please do not park in the crosswalk.

    • Please ensure your child is safely connected with others before leaving.

    • Walkers will enter the school grounds through the Bullard Avenue gate.

    • The playground will be unavailable for use during arrival times.

    • Students should proceed to their designated entry doors to line up with their class. 

    Bus Arrival:

    • Orion bus students will enter through the main entrance on the Artic Warrior Drive side of the school.

    • Please do not park in the bus loop.

    School Age Program:

    • Ketchikan/Illa School Age Program students will be escorted by program staff at 7:45 am at the ice rink sidewalk curve on the Arctic Warrior Drive side of the school.

    • Students will enter through the main entrance of the school.


    Student Dismissal                                                                       

    *Students should be picked up promptly as we are unable to accommodate students staying late. The school day ends at 2:30 pm*

    Car Pick-Up/Walkers:

    • Kindergarten car riders will be dismissed at 2:20 pm.

    • Car riders will leave the school grounds via the Bullard Avenue gate.

    • If changes to the afternoon routine are needed, please contact the front office and teacher before 2:00 pm.

    • The playground will be unavailable for use during departure times.

    Bus Dismissal:

    • Orion Kindergarten bus riders will be dismissed at 2:25 pm and will line up by bus number in the Multipurpose Room. 

    • Orion First and Second grade bus riders will line up by bus number in the Multipurpose Room and primary grades will be walked by staff to the bus.
    • All other bus riders will be dismissed at 2:30 pm.

    School Age Program:

    • Ketchikan/Illa School Age Program students will be met by program staff at 2:30 pm at the ice rink sidewalk curve on the Arctic Warrior Drive side of the school.

    • Students will board the bus there and follow program protocols.

    • If changes to the afternoon routine are needed, please contact the front office, teacher, and the school age program before 2:00 pm.

    Kennecott Youth Center:

    • Students will line up and wait until the bus loop is clear. 
    • Orion staff will escort the students across Arctic Warrior Drive via the crosswalk.

    • Students will walk the rest of the way to Kennecott and will check themselves in. 


    Breakfast is available daily starting at 7:30 am. Students should not be on campus before 7:45 am, unless eating breakfast in the cafeteria.

    The class bell will ring at 7:50 am when students are allowed to enter the classroom. The tardy bell will ring at 8:00 am.

    If your student arrives after 8:00 am, please proceed to the front office to sign them in.

Lunch Schedule

  • Lunch/Recess Schedule 24-25


    Grade Level













