- Klatt Elementary
- Parking
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Parking Lot Info
Parking Lot Info
Klatt Elementary is committed to providing our students with a safe and secure learning environment. This commitment includes the safe drop-off and pick-up of our students. To safely and efficiently accommodate all the vehicles, buses and pedestrian traffic, the following protocol has been designed:
- Student drop-off between 7:40-8:00am
- Student pick-up between 2:30-2:40pm
- Drop off and pick up is at the right-hand curb only
- Pull all the way forward to the bumper of the vehicle in front of you
- Cell phone usage while driving is not permitted
- Unattended vehicles are subject to tow
Student Drop-off/Pick-up in Private VehicleDuring both drop-off and pick-up times, drivers should enter the school parking lot, the second right off of Puma St, and pull as far forward as possible on the right-hand curb. Please have students prepared to exit the car from the passenger side. After students are clear of the vehicle, please pull to the left and exit the parking lot. Drivers should not pull behind cars in designated parking spots to drop-off or pick-up students.
Parking and Escorting Children to SchoolWhen escorting a child to school, please park in the parking lot, and walk with your child to their designated entrance area. Staff members, wearing reflective vests, will be in this area to assist you as needed.
Disabled ParkingVehicles with a government issued disability plate or placard may park in one of the designated spots available.
Buses and Other Public TransportBuses will use the bus loop for am and pm student transportation needs.
Private vehicles are not permitted in this area during the following times: