- Russian Jack Elementary
- Parent Visits and Phone Calls
Classroom visits by parents/guardians are welcomed at Russian Jack. Your involvement is key to your child’s success! To ensure the least interruption of the teaching process, requests for classroom visits should be arranged in advance with your child’s teacher. Spontaneous visits by the public will be kept to a minimum.
A few reminders when visiting classrooms.
- All visitors must sign in and out through the Front Office and wear a visitor’s badge.
- Turn cell phones off to limit disruptions to the classroom.
- Visitors must remain in the classroom.
- If the learning environment is being disrupted, a visitor may be asked to leave.
- Parents/Guardians are expected to keep all information confidential of anything they observe regarding other students.
- Teachers are giving their full attention to their class of students and this is not a time to ask specific questions regarding your child.
- If concerns arise during the visit, please address them with the school principal or designee.
School Telephones
School phones are limited to school business and emergencies. Children will be permitted to use the phone only in an emergency. Plans for after school activities or play dates should be made at home before the school day.
Student & Teacher Messages
Students and teachers cannot come to the phone when classes are in session, except in an emergency. Front office staff will relay messages to teachers. You may also email a teacher at lastname_firstname@asdk12.org or contact them via Remind or Google Voice. See the staff contact page for more information for each staff member.
Please let your child know before going to school how he/she will be getting home that day. If your plan changes, call the front office before 2 p.m. so we can be sure to get the message to them.