MAP Growth Results ParentConnect Guide

  • MAP Growth ParentConnect Guide

    MAP Growth Logo

    What is MAP Growth?

    MAP Growth is a benchmark assessment required by the state of Alaska for students in grades 3-9 as part of the Alaska System of Academic Readiness (AK STAR) and is administered in the fall and winter as stand-alone benchmark assessments in mathematics and reading.  In the spring, MAP Growth is an integrated component of the AK STAR English Language Arts and mathematics assessments to provide both AK STAR and MAP Growth results.  The purpose of MAP Growth is to measure progress toward meeting standards and to measure growth on a continuum of learning.


    Sample ParentConnect MAP Growth Report

    The sample report shows what MAP Growth results look like in Q ParentConnect.  The information that follows provides an explanation of what each heading means. Please contact your child’s principal, teacher or counselor for more support with MAP Growth results.



    MAP Growth Q ParentConnect Sample Report



    Term: Season - Fall, Winter or Spring


    Date Taken: Date a student takes the assessment during the fall, winter or spring window


    Grade: Student grade level on test day


    Test: Content Area Name - Overall with Grade-Level Span and SubTest

    • Overall: Reading, Math (all Terms) or Language Usage (spring only)
    • SubTest: Instructional Area - varies by grade level and content area


    RIT: Achievement Scale Score


    Achievement Descriptor: Student performance as a description for the given Term; used to compare to other same-grade US students

    • Overall: Achievement descriptor and color code
    • SubTest: Achievement descriptor


    Achievement Percentile - Overall: Student performance as a percentage-based (percentile) ranking for the given Term; used to compare to other same-grade US students

    • Example: A student with an Achievement Percentile of 60, means this student scored higher than 60% of students nationwide


    Growth Window - Overall: Student growth comparison period

    • Fall to Winter or Fall to Spring


    Growth Descriptor - Overall: A student's growth as a description as compared with the growth patterns of matching peers within the NWEA norms study - same grade, starting RIT score and weeks of instruction before testing


    Growth Percentile - Overall: A student's growth as a percentage-based (percentile) ranking as compared with the growth patterns of matching peers within the NWEA norms study - same grade, starting RIT score and weeks of instruction before testing

    • Example: A student with a Growth Percentile of 60, means this student demonstrated higher growth than 60% of students nationwide during the Growth Window


    Duration: The amount of time, in minutes, a student took on a MAP Growth test



    For more information on which students test, RIT scores, norms, percentiles, achievement and growth, please see the following Tables, 1-3, of the Parent Guide:

    • Table 1: MAP Growth Test Names, Instructional Areas and Grade-Levels Tested
    • Table 2: RIT Score, Norms and Percentiles
    • Table 3: Achievement and Growth: Levels, Descriptors and Color Coding



    Table 1: MAP Growth Test Names, Instructional Areas and Grade-Levels Tested

    MAP Growth Test Name and Grade-Level Span

    Instructional Area by Test Name

    Mathematics 2-5

    • Measurement and Data
    • Geometry
    • Operations and Algebraic Thinking
    • Numbers and Operations

    Mathematics 6+

    • Operations and Algebraic Thinking
    • Geometry
    • Statistics and Probability
    • The Real and Complex Number Systems

    Reading 2-5 and Reading 6+

    • Literary Text
    • Vocabulary
    • Informational Text

    Language Usage 2-12

    • Language: Understand, Edit for Grammar, Usage
    • Language: Understand, Edit Mechanics
    • Writing: Plan, Organize, Develop, Revise, Research

    Grade Levels Tested and Terms

    Content Areas

    Grades 3-9 - all students

    fall, winter and spring required

    • Reading (all Terms)
    • Mathematics (all Terms)
    • Language Usage (spring only)

    Grades 10-12 - any student identified as needing Tier II or Tier III intervention

    fall and spring required

    • Based on intervention content area - either or both
      • Reading
      • Mathematics



    Table 2: RIT Score, Norms and Percentiles

    RIT Score

    MAP Growth uses the RIT (Rasch Unit) scale to measure and compare academic achievement and growth.  A RIT score is independent of the age or grade of a student and reflects the instructional level where a student is ready to learn, helping teachers plan instruction at an appropriate level for the student.


    The RIT scale measures levels of academic difficulty and extends equally across all grades, making it possible to compare a student's RIT score at various points throughout the student’s education.

    Achievement and Growth Norms

    • - Current norms based on 2020 Norming Study

    Percentiles/Percentile Ranking

    A student’s percentile rank is the percentage of students who had a RIT score less than or equal to this score as observed in the NWEA norms study.  This allows a student to be compared to similar students across the nation who took MAP Growth during the same term or window.





    Table 3: Achievement and Growth: Levels, Descriptors and Color Coding*


    Low Average


    High Average


    <21 %ile

    21-40 %ile

    41-60 %ile

    61-80 %ile

    >80 %ile

    *Quintiles: Five percentile levels based on NWEA normative data



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