Overview & Services

  • Child in Transition is a program of the Title I Department and exists to meet the District’s requirements to serve homeless students as stipulated under the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act.  This federal law requires all school districts to provide students that are homeless with the same educational rights as other students.  Students that are homeless have the right to stay in their school for the duration of the school year and the district is obligated to provide transportation assistance while the family is homeless.

Who qualifies for CIT services

  • A family is considered homeless if they lack a fixed, regular and adequate residence.  This may include:

    • Staying in emergency shelter, transitional housing, youth shelter or domestic violence shelter
    • Staying in motel or hotel due to economic constraints
    • Staying with friend or family member due to economic hardship
    • Staying in cars, campgrounds or other public places
    • Staying in substandard housing
    • Unaccompanied youth who meet the above criteria

Referrals to CIT

  • CIT accepts referrals from community agencies, parents, and schools. If you know a child or youth who might qualify for our services call the CIT office directly at 907-742-3833. Schools can complete a referral form but please get permission from the family before referring them to CIT.

    Eligibility is determined from July 1 of each year and a child remains eligible for the entire year even if they secure permanent housing.


  • Families that qualify for CIT may be eligible for the following services:

    • Transportation assistance to and from school
    • Remaining in same school for duration of school year
    • Educational assistance: credit recovery, tutoring programs, referrals to school sponsored academic support
    • Assistance with school enrollment
    • Enrollment in ASD’s free meal program
    • Referrals to community agencies
    • Traditional and non-traditional school supplies
    • Child and family advocacy